The World Is Full of Brokeness

Life on this world is a keen many things, but "easy" isn't ane of them. Amidst the many wonders and bang-up beauties of the world, we've all got to acknowledge that life is also a deep struggle, a striving, a drastic not-quite-right-ness that'south been plaguing united states of america since that infamous day in the garden.

I don't think I'grand giving yous any new news here; life is hard. Information technology wounds us early and continues to interruption each of us in different ways the longer we live.

You don't need a horrific Anne Frank or Corrie 10 Boom experience to understand this. Sometimes the near mutual or outwardly normal-looking circumstances a person experiences tin can exist the most hurtful and heartbreaking:

An empty crib in a nursery that's used for storage instead of dreams.

An elderly man sitting alone at a coffee shop.

A centre-anile single woman, who never planned to end up alone.

A grandmother'south silent telephone.

A high school senior, scanning the crowds at his football game for a  father he knows he won't find.

A Broken Globe: Common Hurting, Private Hurts

Personal pain can't actually be quantified or compared to someone else's.

Nosotros all encounter the globe's brokenness in different means. It'due south common because we all experience it, only it'due south unique because our hurting is intimate and existent to us as individuals.

Lots of people take lost their grandmothers. But no one has felt the pain of losing MY grandmother. Her relationship with me was unique to the two of u.s.a., and to a certain extent, no one can sympathize what I lost when I lost her. In the same way, I can chronicle to my friend Kate, who lost her own dear grandmother the same year, only I cannot truly know her particular grief the fashion she knows it.

We must each grapple with brokenness in our own mode and through our individual circumstances. My hurts might not be yours, but one thing is certain – we're all sure to come face up-to-face with the pain of this broken world.

A Cleaved World – There Isn't Another One To Live In

Y'all can't alive long without facing pain, and you can't written report the Bible without quickly realizing that suffering is a huge part of life.

I sat shut to my friend on her dorm bed, listening. I was in my second year of higher at Ethnos 360 Bible Establish, and I'd already realized that some passages in the Bible feel similar a real downer at first glance.

"I'm tired of life being hard, and hearing nigh how it's just going to keep being difficult", she said. Her eyes filled with tears that spoke of frustration and thwarting.

"Everything we're studying is nearly suffering. This world simply sucks!"

"Yea, it really does", I responded.

Nosotros weren't feeling all the "joy in spite of suffering" stuff yet. We were just grappling with the reality that life is tough. We were growing upwardly and understanding that we weren't going to go to a place in life where all our issues were solved and life was perfect. It was probably just gonna go harder in a lot of ways, actually.

This world is the reverse of utopia, but it'southward the one we've got.

A Cleaved Globe: God'due south People Have It Rough

To make things worse, on tiptop of having to deal with the regular difficulties of life, the Bible promises a hard life for those who want to follow Jesus.

We have to wrestle with being pilgrims and strangers hither on this earth while our real habitation is in heaven, the fact that the world and information technology'south philosophies hates the truth we stake our lives on, and at times, breathy persecution.

We also know that God specifically tailors suffering for his children to grow them and teach them about His love (Hebrews 12:one-xi). Information technology'south a baroque and beautiful paradox that ends in a deeper friendship with Him, but some of our days on this world just aren't going to be easy.

Discouraged all the same?

Keep reading – there's some good news in all this mess.

A Cleaved Earth: God'due south People Have It Best

While we every bit God's people might have it pretty tough here on earth, we also accept it best. Nosotros have an active, intimate, personal Savior to plow to. He might allow hurting, simply information technology always has a purpose, and He brings us deep comfort while the residual of the population simply tries to cope the all-time they can.

Jesus gets information technology – beingness a human here. He understood how scared his disciples were during his earthly ministry, and how discouraged they would become when he died. That's why he lovingly comforted them in John 16:33:

"I have told you lot all this then that you lot may take peace in me. Here on world you will accept many trials and sorrows. Simply take heart, because I have overcome the world" (John 16:33 NLT).

He knows we each have to come to grips with brokenness we were never designed to experience. He knows that this world traumatizes each human soul in its own mode. He knows it because He lived it too.  His honey lone tin lucifer and surpass the gravity of what we feel here; it understands, comforts, and mends our every hurt. Our hope in this broken world is our broken Savior, who saved us by his wounds and daily comes to our aid.

And non only does he get it, simply he's got a purpose for information technology – both in this life and the next. He's not simply promised an eternal home where joy and fulfillment await, but he'south also got great plans to bring dazzler out of our mess now, right in the middle of the brokenness.

I beloved David's annunciation in Psalm 27 as he waits for God to redeem painful circumstances in his life:

"Yet I am confident I will see the Lord's goodness while I am hither in the country of the living. Expect patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yep, wait patiently for the Lord."

– Psalm 27:13-14 NLT

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